Breaking change: The recipe/BOM logic will be changed which includes a field/endpoint removal
3 months ago by Robin Soon
We are introducing new features for recipes in Q1 of 2024, which will require some breaking changes. This should only affect those who have created a mapping in their system between their own IDs and Katana IDs and/or those using API to delete recipes.
What is changing?
- recipe_id field will be removed from recipe/BOM object
- recipe_row_id type will change from integer to UUID
- Delete a recipe endpoint will be removed
- Recipe rows will no longer apply to multiple variants
- A new BOM rows object is being introduced that has more normalized CRUD methods. (The existing recipe object will remain, but will no longer be recommended one to use)
Why is it changing?
The logic between recipes and items are being updated within Katana to allow for wider and more logical use.