
The Katana API allows you to filter records by passing along query parameters. You can find relevant filters inside the documentation by checking under each method that lists the objects of a resource.

Below are some of the filters currently allowed by default to all endpoints within the provided collections (besides /inventory and /batch_stocks).

idsAn array of object IDs.
limitSee Pagination.
pageSee Pagination.
created_at_minReturn results created after this date. Format example: 2021-04-14T10:39:40.054Z.
created_at_maxReturn results created before this date. Format example: 2021-04-14T10:39:40.054Z.
updated_at_minReturn results updated after this date. Format example: 2021-04-14T10:39:40.054Z.
updated_at_maxReturn results updated before this date. Format example: 2021-04-14T10:39:40.054Z.
include_deletedSet to false by default. If set to true, soft-deleted records are included in the resultset. Some resources don't support access to deleted data. For more information, see the corresponding documentation for the endpoint.
extendAn array of linked objects. When specified, the linked object will be included in the response payload.

Date filters use ISO 8601 format and come in pairs that accept both _min and _max parameters.


# This example returns all products that you can buy in.
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
  --header 'Authorization:Bearer <API key>'


If an invalid parameter is added to the filter, it won't be applied to the results. Always double-check and make sure you've used the syntax correctly!


If no results match a filter, an empty array will be returned.