id | Unique identifier for the object. |
quantity | The quantity of items for the order line. |
variant_id | ID of product or material variant added to the order line. |
tax_rate_id | ID of tax added to price per unit. |
group_id | ID of a group of purchase order rows linked by partial deliveries within a single order. Useful for tracking and managing items received in groups under the same purchase order. |
price_per_unit | The purchase price of one unit (excluding taxes) in purchase order currency. |
purchase_uom | The unit used to measure the quantity of the items (e.g. pcs, kg, m) you purchase. It can be different from the unit used to track stock. |
purchase_uom_conversion_rate | The conversion rate between the purchase and stock tracking UoMs. |
batch_transactions | An array of batch transactions and their quantities. You can receive stock for the same item in multiple batches. |
batch_transaction.batch_id | ID of the batch for the received item. |
batch_transactions.quantity | The quantity received in a particular batch. |
total | The total value of the purchase order row (excluding taxes) in purchase order currency. |
total_in_base_currency | The total value of the purchase order row (excluding taxes) in base currency. |
conversion_rate | Currency rate used to convert from purchase order currency into factory base currency. |
conversion_date | The date of the conversion rate used. |
received_date | The date when the items on the purchase order row were received to your stock. |
created_at | The timestamp when the purchase order row was created. |
updated_at | The timestamp when the purchase order row was last updated. |
arrival_date | The timestamp when the item on the row is expected to arrive (in full) in your warehouse. ISO 8601 format with time and timezone must be used. |