The service object

idUnique identifier for the object.
nameThe service’s unique name.
uomThe unit used to measure the quantity of the service (e.g. pcs, hours).
category_nameA string used to group similar items for better organization and analysis.
is_sellableSellable products can be added to Quotes and Sales orders.
typeIndicating the item type. Service objects are of type "service".
additional_infoA string attached to the object to add any internal comments, links to external files, additional instructions, etc.
variantsAn array of service variant objects.
created_atThe timestamp when the service was created.
updated_atThe timestamp when the service was last updated.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the service was deleted.
archived_atThe timestamp when the service was archived.

The service variant object

idUnique identifier for the object.
skuA unique service code.
sales_priceDefault sales price (excluding tax), which is automatically assigned to the service when creating sales orders. Can be manually changed on the order.
default_costDefault cost which is used to calculate profit.