Attribute | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the object. |
customer_id | ID of the customer who this order belongs to. |
order_no | A unique, identifying string used in the UI and controlled by the user. |
source | Indication of whether the sales order was created manually, by API or imported from somewhere else. |
order_created_date | The timestamp of creating the document. ISO 8601 format with time and timezone must be used. |
delivery_date | A timestamp when the items are required to be delivered to the customer. ISO 8601 format with time and timezone must be used. |
picked_date | The timestamp when the Sales Order Delivery status was initially marked as "PACKED" or "DELIVERED". ISO 8601 format with time and timezone must be used. If multiple fulfillments exist for a sales order, the latest picked_date is used. |
location_id | ID of the location from which the order is shipped. |
status | Status of the order. Possible values are “NOT_SHIPPED”, "PARTIALLY_PACKED", "PARTIALLY_DELIVERED", “PACKED” and “DELIVERED”. |
currency | Currency of the sales order. Filled with customer currency by default. |
conversion_rate | Currency rate used to convert from sales order currency into factory base currency. If multiple fulfillments exist for a sales order row, the latest date and corresponding rate are used. |
conversion_date | The date of the conversion rate used. If multiple fulfillments exist for a sales order row, the latest date is used. |
invoicing_status | Indicating the status of generating the invoice through accounting integration to either Xero or QuickBooks Online. |
total | The total value of the order (including taxes) in sales order currency. |
total_in_base_currency | The total value of the order (including taxes) in base currency. |
additional_info | A string attached to the object to add any internal comments, links to external files, additional instructions, etc. |
customer_ref | An identifier to reference the customer associated with the sales order |
sales_order_rows | An array of sales order rows. |
ecommerce_order_type | Name of the ecommerce platform in case the order is imported from one. |
ecommerce_store_name | Name of the ecommerce store in case the order is imported from an ecommerce platform. |
ecommerce_order_id | ID of the order in the source system in case it is imported from an ecommerce platform. |
product_availability | Stock status for the products required by the sales order. Possible values are "IN_STOCK", "EXPECTED", "PICKED", "NOT_AVAILABLE", "NOT_APPLICABLE". |
product_expected_date | The latest date of a manufacturing order production deadline or a purchasing order expected arrival date that relates to the required products. |
ingredient_availability | Stock status for ingredients required to produce the products on the sales order. Possible values are "PROCESSED", "IN_STOCK", "NOT_AVAILABLE", "EXPECTED", "NO_RECIPE", "NOT_APPLICABLE". |
ingredient_expected_date | The latest date of a manufacturing order production deadline or a purchasing order expected arrival date that relates to the required ingredients to produce the products. |
production_status | Production status of the manufacturing order that is making products for the respective sales order. Possible values are "NOT_STARTED", "NONE", "NOT_APPLICABLE", "IN_PROGRESS", "BLOCKED", "DONE". |
created_at | The timestamp when the sales order was created. |
updated_at | The timestamp when the sales order was last updated. |
tracking_number | The shipment tracking number received from the carrier. |
tracking_number_url | The link to online tracking data about the shipment. |
billing_address_id | The ID of the billing address of the sales order. |
shipping_address_id | The ID of the shipping address of the sales order. |
addresses | An array of shipping and billing addresses. |
The sales order row object
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the object. |
quantity | The quantity of items for the order line. |
variant_id | ID of product variant added to the order line. |
tax_rate_id | ID of tax added to price per unit. |
location_id | ID of the location from which the order row is shipped (leave empty, when sales order location should be used for all sales order rows) |
product_availability | Stock status for the products required by the sales order row. Possible values are "IN_STOCK", "EXPECTED", "PICKED", "NOT_AVAILABLE", "NOT_APPLICABLE" |
product_expected_date | The latest date of a manufacturing order production deadline or a purchasing order expected arrival date that relates to the required products |
price_per_unit | The sales price of one unit (excluding taxes) in sales order currency. |
price_per_unit_in_base_currency | The sales price of one unit (excluding taxes) in base currency. |
total | The total value of the sales order row (excluding taxes) in sales order currency. |
total_in_base_currency | The total value of the order (excluding taxes) in base currency. |
attributes | An array of sales order row attributes. Each attribute is a key-value pair. Used to add extra details to the sales order row. |
attributes.key | Custom key for the sales order row attribute. |
attributes.value | Custom value for the key in sales order row attribute. |
batch_transactions | An array of batch transactions and their quantities. You can fulfill the item on the order from multiple batches. |
batch_transaction.batch_id | ID of the batch for the fulfilled item. |
batch_transactions.quantity | The quantity fulfilled from a particular batch. |
serial_numbers | An array of serial number IDs |
linked_manufacturing_order_id | The ID of the manufacturing order if there is a make-to-order (MTO) manufacturing order related to the sales order row. |
conversion_rate | Currency rate used to convert from sales order currency into factory base currency. If multiple fulfillments exist for a sales order row, the latest date and corresponding rate are used. |
conversion_date | The date of the conversion rate used. If multiple fulfillments exist for a sales order row, the latest date is used. |
created_at | The timestamp when the sales order row was created. |
updated_at | The timestamp when the sales order row was last updated. |
The sales order address object
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the sales order address object. |
sales_order_id | The ID of the sales order related to the address. |
entity_type | Either "billing" or "shipping" depending on the address type. |
first_name | The first name of the person related to the address. |
last_name | The last name of the person related to the address. |
company | The company name related to the address. |
phone | The phone number related to the address. |
line_1 | The first line of the address (street name and house number). |
line_2 | The second line of the address (apartment, suite, unit, or building). |
city | The city of the address. |
state | The state of the address. |
zip | The zip code of the address. |
country | The country of the address. |
created_at | The timestamp when the address was created. |
updated_at | The timestamp when the address was updated. |
The sales order returnable item object
Attribute | Description |
variant_id | Unique identifier of the delivered item variant |
fulfillment_row_id | ID of the fulfillment row this item belongs to |
available_for_return_quantity | Number of items that can be returned |
net_price_per_unit | Price per unit after discounts |
location_id | Unique identifier of the location item was shipped from |
quantity_sold | Original quantity sold |